Instantly Connect With Your Dream Clients
  • Find contact info of decision makers in seconds
  • Trusted by 17,000+ users every month
 Search For Targeted Leads
You can search for leads by Location and Keywords.
e.g. "Dentists in Los Angeles'
  Contact Leads With a Built-in CRM
You can then export these leads into a CSV file to view in Excel or Google Sheets or utilize RoboContact's built in CRM
 Auto-Fill Contact Forms
Robo Contact can then Auto-Fill all of the 'Contact Us' forms on your leads' sites with a pre-defined email template.
  Cold Email On Autopilot
Connect your Google or SMTP and Robo Contact can send out mass cold email campaigns to with automated follow-up sequences.
Robo Contact Users Say What...
Find and contact laser-targeted prospects on autopilot with a few clicks.
 Lead Generation On Autopilot
Reveal all the contact information of your dream clients within seconds... including their social profiles!
1. Simply enter your target Location(s)
2. Enter Industry/Niche Keyword(s)
3. Select message(s) to send these leads
4. Click submit!
 Automate Your Sales Process
Robo Contact's built in CRM can message and follow up with your leads for you. Plus you can track who is opening your e-mails and clicking your links!
1. Create multi-step automated follow-ups campaigns
2. Submit contact forms on your prospect's website
3. Easily remove and track contacts right in Robo Contact
   Instantly Download The Leads As CSV
Download all the contact the information of your laser-targeted leads as a CSV file and import the file straight into Google Sheets or your CRM of choice
  • Export contacts & import to Excel / Google Sheets
  • Link with Zapier to automatically import leads into your CRM

See how Robo Contact Works

Boost Your Companies Revenue

The ability to find and reach a higher quality lead directly, combined with a properly tailored marketing message creates more revenue. With a fresh and steady stream of potential new customers into your sales pipeline we'll help you grow your business fast!

Reach More Inboxes And See Results Fast
Instead of manually filling out 100s of contact forms yourself, Robo Contact will almost guarantee that your lead sees your message by fill out the form for you. Robo Contact will also search the lead's website and compile their address, email, phone number, and social links.
Email Campaign Manager and Follow Up

Instead of manually sending out e-mails to every lead, Robo Contact can connect to your e-mail provider and send an automated e-mail sequence to every e-mail that Robo Contact finds. To ensure maximum reach, you can choose if you'd like to send both contact us forms or only e-mails. You can build a series of automated followups to boost chances of getting a positive reply!
Upload Your Own Website Lists For Contacting

Our powerful API allows you to quickly search for sites to submit to based on location(s) and keyword(s) and returns results fast, however you may already have access to a list of potential partner websites. So inside of your campaign manager you have the ability to upload a list of sites you want to contact, and/or pull additional contact information from. 
Contact Credits Debited Only For Verified Submissions

You'll never have to worry about wasting a single submission credit. To keep it fair, site submission credits are only used when a contact us form and/or email is successfully sent. You will not be charged any additional credits for multiple emails in the email sequence.  
Detailed Analytics And Lead Reporting

The reporting module tells you everything you need to know about your lead gen campaigns. Access your lead's contact information (including website, address, and phone number.) Additionally, see reports on how many messages and e-mails you've sent out.  You can also opened your message and if they clicked on any links.

Employee Profiles With Automated Round Robin

Have multiple sales people? No problem! With the ability to create multiple profiles you'll have the power to rotate these profiles within each campaign. This allows you to rotate through your sales team ensuring the same number of verified submissions for each profile              ( feature not available with all plans)
Get Better Results In Less Time

Our proprietary lead generation and contact process has the ability to reach and engage more customers, while generating faster responses than every before. Based on our real world internal testing and results, you have the potential to see up to 5-10x the normal number of leads responding to your contact campaigns vs traditional marketing methods

Export or Send Contact Data via API To Your Own CRM

Send new leads directly to your CRM or autoresponder platform for contact follow ups and nurturing automatically with our built in Zapier and Postmark APIs. You'll have the ability to segment leads based on analytics and data provided to ensure you prioritize your sales process with the hottest leads first.

Why Business Owners Love RoboContact
"RoboContact is worth way more than it actually costs us. We're consistently landing $7k /month retainer clients with this powerful outreach tool"
Hector Santiesteban
"I’ve only been using RoboContact for 3 weeks and I've already connected with around 400 decision makers. One of those connections turned into a 20k deal."
Gregg Blazer
"My calendar is fully booked for the next 23 days due to prospects scheduling calls with me via my cold emails sent through Robo Contact. I'm so glad I found this tool!"
Tracy Pino
Reach your dream clients' inbox in seconds.
Robo Contact Features
  • Search Multiple Locations and Keywords per Campaign
  • Unlimited Verified Site Submissions Per Month
  • Upload a CSV File of Contacts Into Your Campaigns
  •  Export leads to a CSV file
  •  Test Multiple Profiles And Messages Per Campaign
  • Get business name, phone number, address, emails, and social profiles
  •  Send separate campaigns through 'Contact Us' web forms to emails if needed
  • Custom Email Follow Up Messaging Per Campaign
  • Detailed Analytics and Campaign Reporting Module
  •  Built In Zapier API For Automated Data Export To Your CRM
See How Robo Contact Compares to Other Lead Gen Tools
Frequently Asked Questions
  Does this work outside of the US?
Yes! The software platform works in over 150+ countries. You have the ability to custom create and edit your messages to tailor them to almost any language and submit your message via contact form or email on websites around the world.
  Do you offer refunds if I don't like it?
Nope! Sorry but we don't offer any refunds for our software.  If you sign up for our software you can cancel anytime, but due to the nature of our software and the value (leads) it provides instantly, we do not offer any refunds. If this is a problem please don't sign up for Robo Contact. 
  How do you define a "Submission Credit"?
A site submission credit is used when a contact us form or email is successfully sent. There will only be one credit charged even if a contact form and email is sent out. You will not be charged any additional credits for multiple emails in the email sequence. The site submissions are combined for all users and profiles. You share and pull from total monthly credits across all of your user accounts.
 Can I give my sales team their own logins?
Yes! Based on your subscription level you will have a single or multiple user login capabilities ( you can upgrade inside the software at anytime) . This will allow you to assign a login to a sub user that has full access to their own sub account however they will only be able to see their own profiles, messaging, and campaigns. Only the account owner ( you) and the sub user them self will be able to see their data.
  What happens after use all of my credits?
After you have used all of your submission credits you will be asked to upgrade to finish the current campaign, if applicable, or wait until the next billing cycle when your submission credits have refreshed. Since you'll be seeing results we know you'll be excited to upgrade and keep those leads coming in.
  Do credits "Rollover" each month?
At the end of each cycle, any unused credits expire and the total credits for the next 30 day period will reset to maximum number allowed for the current level your account is on. The account owner and all sub users pull from the same credit pool.
  Will this solve all Captchas on sites?
There is no way to guarantee we can solve a Captcha form on a specific site or sites, that is why we’ve built a backup contact method via email and report which sites we submitted a form and or email to. This allows you to go back and manually contact that prospect while we continually work to improve the submission process.
  How do I upgrade?
Once inside the software you can quickly and easily upgrade from your admin panel to a higher plan. There are several options based on your submission requirements.
Reach your dream clients' inbox in seconds.
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